This family now has members across the North of Ireland, in England (Lancaster and Cambridge) and in Queensland  and  New South Wales, Australia.  Related families and individuals not of the Cunningham name can be found near Belfast and in the west of Canada, the USA, (east and west ) and in Norway.  Family members are qualified in electronics, chemistry, teaching, nursing, clinical biology etc though not all now work in their original specializations.  A new generation are now emerging with high grade skills in software engineering and languages and are starting to make their mark while others are still in education and heading who knows where. We have no millionaires in the family but we are mainly doing OK.

The purpose of this site is to provide a point of contact  and an information resource for family members and others. Ideas for its further development will be thankfully received. The photo-tour of the Irish North West is intended to entertain and inform those who have neither time nor opportunity to get to this area and see it for themselves. The section on the arrival of the Cunninghams in Ireland will be of interest to those of the Cunningham name and connection wherever they may be as I have found no other account of this event than this one that I have put together.


The Tartan shown is the standard Cunningham clan tartan, for more information and the other clan tartans see   

The Crest is a unicorn the head of which is central to the clan badge shown above.


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